Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Memorial Day


Happy Memorial Day everyone.

It was originally known as Decoration Day.

Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service.

When I was in school we learned the poem, "In Flanders Field the poppies blow, between the crosses row on row, . . ."

We would sell poppies for the VFW and everyone proudly wore them.

Our town celebrated with a parade. Those who weren't in it lined the street to clap and cheer.

There was a service at the local cemetery.

The national anthem was sung and the Pledge of Allegiance was said as the flag was raised.

A young person would recite The Gettysburg Address from memory.

Yes, even a prayer was said by clergy.

The service always concluded with a musician playing "Taps", with an echoed response.

We were proud to honor our flag, our country and our military who gave the ultimate sacrifice so we could live free.

Sadly, the celebration of Memorial Day has faded.

Now it is a weekend off from work and big picnics.

We barely remember what Memorial Day represents.

At some point this weekend take a moment from your busy schedule , bow your head and pray for all those who died in service to their country - your country.

Pray for those who are now on the battlefields and are only a bullet or IED away from their ultimate sacrifice.

Always stand tall and be proud you are an American and live free . . . for so long as God allows it!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

North Myrtle Beach, SC


I'm back from a week at Myrtle Beach, SC.

This picture is a view of the beach from our 12th floor condo. The condo was courtesy of hubby's cousin and husband.

They and his sister and husband spent the week with us.

The weather was good. Temps in high 70's and low 80's, ocean water temp was in high 60's.

We took a side trip to Charleston one day. I took many pictures and will post some of them soon.

We had been in Myrtle Beach years ago. It was very busy then, now even more so.

North Myrtle Beach back then was much quieter, but now is quite busy.

It was very restful watching and listening to the roaring surf from our balcony.

We did a lot of eating. Seafood buffets are very popular there. Practically one on every corner.

The architecture of the houses and buildings, along with the gardens in Charleston are magnificent.

We took a guided bus tour and a horse and buggy ride through the city and learned much of the history.

On the way back from Charleston to North Myrtle Beach we took a ride around the grounds of the Citadel and Patriot's Point where the Yorktown Aircraft carrier is docked. Much more on these later.

Now it's time to catch up on unpacking, reading mail, cutting grass, etc.

I sometimes wonder if it's worth going on vacation. Before you go there is much to do, when you come back there is much to do.

I think I need a vacation to rest up from my vacation. Whew!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. In my eye the Daylight is a beautiful train.

Beauty in motion as it gracefully streaks down the track.

This particular run came in from the West Coast filled with passengers to the 2009 Trainfest in Owosso, MI, last July.

We were waiting along the tracks outside of Owosso for it to make an appearance. That is where I shot this pix.

My hubby and his two rail fan buds got to ride it the next day.

Of course to train collectors you can't just ride it you must search until you find a model of it.

My hubby already had an HO model and his rail fan bud found an O-gauge model after searching for a year.

And men complain about women searching for the right dress or shoes!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


PROVERBS 31:30 Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.

This proverb is from the wisdom of Solomon.

To all of the mothers who work so hard all year praying, worrying and taking care of their children, today is your day to be honored by those who are loved by you.

Did you enjoy your Mother's Day? I truly hope so.

My two sons treated my husband and I to dinner at a local restaurant.

I enjoyed not having to shop, cook, and clean up. But mostly it was so nice to spend the time with my boys and my husband to talk and catch up with what is going on in their lives.

These precious moments are far and few between.

So Mom's enjoy every second of your children's lives, because too soon they grow up. Then poof, they leave home and begin to live their own lives.

Which is how it should be.

Thanks J & J,

Love, Mom

Thursday, May 6, 2010


This steam engine pulled our excursion train last July in Owosso, Michigan.

Growing up in a small town I remember the steam trains on the one track in our town.

The distant sound of the whistle blowing before the crossings, and the black smoke puffing from the smoke stack. These were somehow sounds of comfort . . . that all was right with the world.

I never rode on a train until I was married.

My hubby loves steam engines, probably because as a child he rode them from Wilkes Barre to New Jersey with his parents.

After we got married our weekend entertainment was going on "steam rambles". Most were all day events.

Here we are forty plus years later and we are still going on "steam rambles", not as often - thank goodness.

He loves steam, I rather like the diesels which came into vogue when steam fazed out. Diesels are still the workhorses of the railroads today.

A lot of them run on bio-diesel fuel, are computerized, and electronically controlled. Oh, yea, not dirty or smelly any more.

Next time I'll show you a picture of my favorite diesel engine, so colorful.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Delicate white bells attached to thin green stems with a heavenly scent.

Lily of the valley, just a small bouquet will permeate a room.

Have you ever smelled lily of the valley or lilac perfumes, colognes, soaps, or lotions? They're scent just doesn't ring true. They smell like something is missing.

Try as they may, companies can't duplicate the real thing.

If you have room in your garden plant a few. They are perennials, hardy in the north and will multiply and come up again every year.

They like it a little shady, and bloom in May. After the blooms are finished the green foliage lasts for quite awhile so it makes a nice ground cover.

Until yours are ready, when you come across a patch growing in a neighbor's yard stop and take a whiff. Perhaps your neighbor or friend will share and let you pick a few for a vase or better yet, give you some plants.

Plants shared between friends and neighbors always grow better.

The real deal, honest to goodness real live, beautifully scented lily of the valley.

Pick or plant some, you won't be sorry.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Take a whiff, can you smell them?

French lilacs are deep purple and have a beautiful scent.

Whenever I smell lilacs I'm returned to a time when I was in school in the 1950's.

Walking to school, (yes, we had to walk to school, no buses), I would walk past a large lilac bush. It was the pale lavender kind many people had in their back yards.

They bloomed in May. I would always stop and smell them. Their scent made me feel happy. Probably because school would soon be out for the summer.

Ah, the "Happy Days" of the 50's as a TV show called them. Our lives were much less hectic, people had time to visit, or just stop and chat.

I grew up in a small town where everything we did was connected to church. Even the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts held their meetings in the church facilities.

Today not many people go near a church. In our area they are closing one church after another.

An advertisement once said "you've come a long way baby". Have we really?

Oh, maybe in some ways. Certainly technology has, but we've lost so much along the way.

Take some time to stop and smell - the lilacs.

Enjoy your week.