Sunday, May 29, 2011


A day of remembering those who gave their lives so we may live free.

A gift, the ultimate sacrifice, to those who come after them.

It is a day to also remember and honor those who have served or are presently serving around the world.

Our bravest have been lost in many wars. The Revolutionary War, Civil War, Spanish American,World War I, World War II, Korean War, Viet Nam War, Desert Sand in Iraq, the present on-going war in Iraq, Afghanistan and now we are in Libya, and many other skirmishes I failed to mention.

When we are remembering heroes we must include those who have lost their lives in terrorist attacks around the world. Whether they are military or civilian, they gave their lives for their country.

We should also honor those who serve in the Diplomatic Corp. Many are assigned to embassies in dangerous areas of the globe.

Then there are the brave agents of the CIA. Their clandestine missions put them in harms way everyday.

We must include the Border Patrol Agents. They are fighting a much different war. Their job is to keep hostile intruders from crossing our borders and many have died doing their job, some recently.

Each state has a National Guard to protect and serve in war and natural disasters.

We must honor the families of all these heroes. They toil day after day to keep a safe haven for their warrior to return.

Don't forget the FBI, State Police, local police, fireman and all those who provide for our safety.

How can we as citizens of this great country say Thank You enough times for all the sacrifices?

Let's pray that there will always be brave citizens ready to volunteer and say, "I will go. I will protect my country and preserve the freedom and liberty of the United States of America, no matter the cost."

Now we should do our part to make sure our country is not usurped by those from within and without whose life mission is to destroy it.

Tomorrow, stop for a moment and pray. Say thank you to those who gave and are giving so much to allow us to enjoy the holiday free from tyranny.

GOD BLESS AMERICA, may she ever be FREE.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Everyone who is tired of the rain, please raise your hand.

Aha, I see many hands in the air.

I look outside in my backyard and everything is lush and green.

The wispy, white trails of mist rise off into the atmosphere.

Wait a minute, when did I move to the Rainforest? Or perhaps I'm dreaming.

No, I'm still here in Northeast PA.

According to the local weatherman, we are on track to have the second or third wettest spring on record.

I'm old enough to remember the spring of 1972.

Which is currently listed as the third wettest on record.

That year it just kept raining and raining. The ground was saturated. The streets were full of ponding water.

I remember getting out of my car on South Main Street in Wilkes Barre and was unable to jump onto the curb, the gutter was so full of water.

Then, Hurricane Agnes, visited us in June, and like the proverbial unwelcomed guest, stayed much too long.

She also stayed in the Southern tier of New York. As a result the Susquehanna River broke through the dike in Wilkes Barre on the east and Forty Fort on the west side.

Thousands were displaced. Two hospitals were evacuated. It was a time most would like to forget and never see happen again.

Unfortunately, the folks along the Mississippi River are experiencing the same thing.

Water always seeks the path of least resitance. It has no respect for anything in its way.

Let's hope there are no hurricanes poised for our area this year, especially early in June.

I'm sure in a couple of months we'll be complaining that everything is dry and we could use some rain.

We're never satisfied are we?

One thing I'm very happy about, is the liquid precipatation falling from the sky isn't in the form of snow.

Be happy for the small things.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


M - Memories to cherish.

O - Opportunities missed.

T - Tears shed.

H - Hugs and kisses, too many to count.

E - Energy unending.

R - Running interference and solving problems.

H - Heart bursting with love.

O - Oodles of boo-boos kissed.

O - Oodles of proud moments to savor.

D - Document it all in your memory bank. Soon they will fly the nest.


Your are a special woman, because God chose you to be a Mother.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Our church is celebrating its 70th anniversary this month.

This in itself is quite amazing, in light of so many churches that are closing their doors for lack of attendance.

That does not mean our church is basking in the sunshine of masses of attendees.

It is a small church, but it loves the Lord and preaches the Gospel, untainted.

All month we are having special events.

Last evening's service kicked off the events.

We were privileged to witness 20 teens put forth their talents for the glory of the Lord.

What talent indeed. When there are so many stories of teens in trouble, one has to wonder if they were exposed to the environment these teens are they would be less likely to head the news stories.

These 20 teens showed their God-given talent in singing, playing instruments and drama. All of it was memorized.

I don't know about you, but I have trouble memorizing phone numbers, let alone reams of lyrics, notes and words.

This amazing group is known as the SOUTH NEW MILFORD BAPTIST CHURCH TEEN MINISTRY TEAM, from South New Milford, PA.

They are supported by a team of dedicated adults who are just as talented. Kudos to them for their hard work and love for young people.

The teens played piano, flutes, trombone, trumpet, and accompanied by an adult playing the cello.

One young girl played a piano solo, "How Great Thou Art". She showed talent far beyond her years.

Another young girl portrayed a woman, who as a follower of Jesus, wondered how His Crucifixion could have happened. Then related how Jesus had appeared to them after His Resurrection. Again her lines were memorized and her acting abilities were terrific.

If you are looking for a small, Bible believing, Gospel preaching, warm, friendly church, visit our website and listen to Pastor Sam Garnett's welcome message.

Join us for the rest of May's events. There will be special speakers and on May 22, it will be "HOMECOMING SUNDAY". Everyone who in the past has attended Calvary Church has been invited to come back for "HOMECOMING SUNDAY".
A great effort was made to research address's and contact as many as possible. If you have ever attended and didn't receive an invitation, please forgive the oversight or inability to find you and consider yourself invited, you are most welcomed.

Pastor Bob Matthews was founder of Calvary Bible Church. His talented children and grandchildren will be sharing their ministry in music on Sunday, May 29.

I'm sure Pastor Bob and his wife Esther will be told by the Lord, "Well done good and faithful servants."