Saturday, April 7, 2012


Passover and Easter reflect both sacrifice and obedience.

Passover is a remembrance of sacrificing a lamb.
Its blood then sprinkled on the doorposts.
Because the Jews were obedient to God's command, their eldest sons were spared when the Death Angel passed over.

Easter is also a remembrance of sacrifice and obedience.
A lamb again was sacrificed. This time it was Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
He was obedient to His Father and shed His blood on a cross at Calvary.

The reason for His death was His Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
So that all who accept Him as Lord and Saviour will have eternal life.

In these tumultuous days we need to focus on Him.
God is always in control of our destiny, so long as we belong to Him.

This Easter consider focusing on a closer walk with Him.
He will never fail you.


I wish each of you a blessed, happy Easter and Passover.