Sunday, August 22, 2010

Because of the economy and advent of e-readers, main stream publishing houses are having a difficult time financially.

E-readers such as Amazon's Kindle and Barnes & Noble's Nook have taken off like rockets.

I personally as yet don't own one. I met a girl, who was reading one on the beach, in bright sunlight. Hers was a Kindle, and she said she loved it. She offered it to me to hold and check out.

It was very light weight about the size of a large paperback. There was no glare from the sun, so the words were readily seen without difficulty.

This started me gazing into the future.

At the beginning of the school year, the school could issue every student an e-reader, pre-loaded with the books for the year.

Just think, no more back-packs and book bags weighing down young backs. In the long run it probably would save the school districts a lot of money. (They probably would find other places to spend it.)

Actually some schools in Florida are starting a trial program.

Eventually the libraries would all be in e-book format.

For moms, on school mornings, instead of reminding Bobby and Susie not to forget their books, she would tell them not to forget their e-readers.

Just think if Congress put the bills they write and enact on e-readers, they might even read them!

As for me, it would solve my problem of where to store the many books I buy and can't part with, because I eventually re-read them.

Then again there is something to be said for relaxing and turning the paper pages of a real book.

I will continue to learn about e-readers. I'm sure they will get better and the price will come down, as competitors come on the scene.

Now when hubby asks what I want for Christmas, and he inevitably will, maybe now I'll know what to answer!

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