Autumn is one of the prettiest seasons of the year.
The leaves show off their beauty in colors of red, gold, yellow to rust and burgandy.
The brilliant hues set against the clear, azure blue sky is worthy of a picture or painting.
The cool, crisp air feels like all the impurities have been cleansed and replaced with life giving oxygen.
Soon, as the leaves begin their descent to earth, the raking begins and one can smell the pungent unmistakable smell they emit when burned.
Perhaps the vistas aren't as eye popping this year due to the hot, dry summer. The tropical storm, Nicole, that sped up the east coast accompanied by another newly formed storm, deposited copious amounts of torrential, devasting rain. The swift rain drops pelted the leaves and cleared many of the trees of this year's bounty.
Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 3:1 "There is a time for everything and a season for activity under heaven."
So on to winter when the landscape will be cleansed with snow. The plants, trees and flowers will sleep while growing new roots under the cold hard ground to once again burst forth in beauty come spring.
So stop, take a rest from your harried day, look around and enjoy God's handiwork no matter the season.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again: there is nothing new under the sun."
Words of comfort and hope from a very wise Solomon.
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