Monday, November 22, 2010


What does Thanksgiving mean to you?

What memories do you have of past Thanksgivings?

One I remember happened sixty four years ago.

That year my Mom's birthday fell on Thanksgiving. She didn't cook that year, and it wasn't because it was her birthday. Aunt Ethel cooked and it was a goose instead of a turkey.

My Mom had something more special to do on that day. She brought my new-born baby sister home from the hospital that Thanksgiving. Born one week before my brother and I were very excited waiting for my Dad's car to come into view. Children weren't allowed to visit in the hospitals then, so this would be the first glimpse of our sister.

I remember going upstairs after dinner to get a close up look at the sleeping baby. While I was staring at her she opened her eyes and smiled. Of course I was sure she smiled at me. What did I know, I was only four years old. I didn't know she probably couldn't focus yet, or smile, and it was probably only gas.

This Thanksgiving take some time and recall your memories of by-gone Thanksgivings.

Do you remember the aroma of turkey roasting in the oven, the candied yams, stuffing, or maybe the pumpkin pies.

Maybe just memories of family visiting. Perhaps some have passed on.

Our Mom and Dad are gone. Thanksgiving, and for that matter, all the other holidays are just not the same without them.

If your parents are still with you, count yourself blessed. Appreciate every day you can call them and say "Hi, Mom and Dad, I just wanted to call and say hello." You can't know how much that simple phone call means to them. You will when you get to walk in their shoes. . .but then it will be too late.

Thursday, give thanks to God for all He has given you.

Make a list, you might be surprised at how rich you are, and I don't mean materially.

Happy Thanksgiving and God bless all of you.

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