Thursday, December 30, 2010


Finally, it's almost here -- 2011.
I'm so glad.
2010 wasn't really a bad year. It's just the whole month of December was frigid and went on forever.

So I'm sure January will be cold too, but it's supposed to be.

What do you have planned for 2011?
Did you make any resolutions?

I don't make resolutions anymore.
When I did make them, I broke them, usually in the first 48 hours.

Now I make a "Things To Do In 2011 List".
Last year I did this and managed to accomplish 9 out of the 11 items on my list.

I figure by doing it this way I have a whole year to try and succeed.

So what is on my list for 2011?
I have 13 items this year.
Some of the top priorities are:
Finish the course I'm presently taking.
Finish the novel I'm writing.
Find a publisher for it.
Write more short stories.
Submit, submit, submit the stories I have written and will write.
Make another a quilt.
And a few mundane things, such as doing some things around the house.

One other thing I'm going to try and do, is stick with the Weight Watchers new Points Plus program.
I did something really brave. About three weeks before Christmas I joined W.W. on-line.
I figured it would keep me somewhat on track through the holidays.
I did gain over Christmas but went right back on program and have lost what I gained.

I just don't like wasting a whole morning going to a W.W. meeting. The on-line version is much better.
I've actually been a W.W. member since it started back in the 60's. I'm even a Lifetime Member, having accomplished goal in the 80's. Sad to say I go up and down like a yo-yo.

The previous Points Program was really good. The new Points Plus Program counts most fruit and vegetables as 0 points. This is good, because if you are hungry and run out of daily points you can eat a piece of fruit and not feel guilty.

So take a few minutes write you "To Do List" for 2011.
Good luck in accomplishing your goals.
Let's help each other with encouragement and good wishes.

I wish each and everyone a healthy, joyous, and prosperous New Year.

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