Monday, February 7, 2011

                  "QUIRKY"the SQUIRREL

Thaddeus R. Squirrel, of the gray squirrel family, but known to his friends as "Quirky
How did Thaddeus become "Quirky"?
Because he's always doing things normal squirrels don't.
For instance, he'll run at a tree trunk at a high rate of speed and then slam into it.
Everyone wonders why he doesn't knock himself out.
Once he shakes the cobwebs from his pea-sized brain, he'll run up the trunk about a half of a foot, then flip off of it.

Samantha Squirrel thinks he's showing off so she'll notice him.
She's not interested in him or his antics.

Another time he'll scamper up the pole to the bird feeder, grab a seed in his mouth and jump to the ground. Then he'll race across the snow and up another tree trunk.
After he eats his seed he'll go out onto the end of a limb and yell at all his friends on the ground. They ignore him. Frustrated no one pays him any attention he jumps back to the ground.

The Crow brothers, Jasper and Mike, have landed on the ground under the bird feeder.
"Quirky" has no fear. He goes right up to them and challenges them for the birdseed they're eating.They peck at "Quirky" a few times and he finally gets their message, "back off".

He runs under a big spruce tree where Marybelle Rabbit lives with her six babies.
"Quirky" thinks it might be fun to play with the baby bunnies, Marybelle doesn't agree and chases him away.

Poor "Quirky", no one wants to have fun with him. He scampers back to his nest high atop an oak tree. He always takes the long way home so no bad guys follow him. He'll jump from tree to tree before going in one of the two doors in his nest.

He had spent a long time building his nest last summer. That's when the leaves had the right amount of movement in them. He wove them around green twigs. When they dried they made a solid wall. He built the nest in the crook of two limbs so the wind didn't blow it away. Then he lined it with fur and feathers and any other soft material he found.

Home sweet home at last. He lay down and closed his eyes for a nap. He had a busy morning and lunch time would be here before long.

Sweet dreams "Quirky".

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