Sunday, April 17, 2011


The day we celebrate Jesus' triumphal entry to the city of Jerusalem sitting on a colt.
People thronged to see the new king. They threw palm branches down to form a path for Him.

Who were these supporters? Some were His disciples. Some had heard Him preach and seen His miracles. Others were caught up in the politics.

They followed Him because they thought He would give them something. Perhaps save them from the Roman government.

We, of course know that was not who He was. He came there to give them something, it was eternal life. They did not understand His message and wanted something tangible, something now, not in the future.

Just a few days later He was arrested. Turned on and betrayed by one of His own disciples.

He had a sham trial. It was customary at that time of year to release a prisoner, to show good will to the people by the Roman government.

Pontius Pilate asked the crowds who he should release, Jesus or Barabbas? The crowd yelled, "Give us Barabbas".

Then he asked what should become of Jesus? They yelled, "Crucify him".
Now these were the same people that earlier in the week welcomed Him to Jerusalem.

This was not something unexpected by Jesus, for He knew what would happen. He was after all God, come to earth as a man to save His church.

One of my favorite sayings comes from a verse in Ecclesiastes 1:9. Solomon says in that verse: The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be and that which shall be done, and THERE IS NO NEW THINGS UNDER THE SUN. The part I capitalized is what I like best.

Think about the previous scenario of Jesus in Jerusalem. If that were to occur today would anything change? I think not.

Perhaps the venue would be different. The events would be covered live via TV and the Internet. The media would exploit it and use it for better ratings.

Think of the protests happening today around the world. People clamoring for the demise of their leaders.

However, these leaders cannot be compared to Jesus, but the people can be. Their hearts are the same.

Jeremiah wrote in his book chapter 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it?

Folks, God can and does know it.


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