Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm confused.

A week before I received the census form there was a reminder post card in the mail that I would be receiving the census.

The next week as promised the census form arrived. It said all persons living at this household should be counted on April 1, 2010.

So far so good.

Yesterday I received another postcard reminding me to fill out the census and send it in if I didn't already, and if I did thank you.

Here's the confusing part. Yesterday was March 22, 2010. They want me to count people and fill it out on April 1, 2010.

I'm sure April is after March. They didn't change the order of months on the calendar when I wasn't looking, did they?

What if everyone filled it out before April 1, and someone died. Or perhaps say, a teenage child eloped and stayed in the city they eloped to. Or what if a person in the military was suddenly deployed to a foreign country. What if a person ended up in jail or perhaps a nursing home.
Better yet what if a child is born, or maybe twins.

Do you see how the count could be skewed?

This is the same bureaucracy that is now going to run our health care and student loans.


Maybe the Rapture will take place on April 1, and there will be a whole lot of people missing and the numbers will really be messed up. AMEN.

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