Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Women's History Month

Throughout the world many countries elect women as the leader.
(Some great some not so great. Not all male leaders are great either.)

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of England was one of those at the top.
She was a fearless leader.

Israel's Golda Meir respected and loved by most.

Indira Gandhi of India another great leader.

Presently, Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany.

Chile's present leader Michelle Bachette is dealing with a country devasted by a massive earthquake. A disater which would try the leadership abilities of either gender.

In recent times we watched as terrorists assassinated Benazi Bhutto of Pakistan.

There are many more women around the world leading their countries.

We think of women of royalty as heads of their countries. Most of these are queens by default and not elected. Most had fathers that were the King with no male heirs. Queen Elizabeth of England is one that comes to mind.

Here in the United States the glass ceiling is very much intact. We have women in the Cabinet, Senate, and the House. They serve as governors and CEO's of many corporations.
There are many women who own their own successful businesses.

Some women have run for the Presidency, some for the Vice Presidency but alas none have been elected.

When will the United States catch up with the rest of the world an elect a woman to the Presidency. Not just because she's a woman but because she is well qualified.

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