Friday, July 2, 2010


A big thank you and God Bless you, to the brave men and women serving in the military on the battlefront and in support positions all over the world, for keeping us safe.

If you could talk to one of the founders or signers of the Declaration of Independence whom would you choose?

I would like to talk to Benjamin Franklin. Not to interview him but just to sit down with a cup of Earl Grey and a cherry scone and chat.

I would ask him what he thought about how far our country has strayed from the original Constitution and how he would fix it.

He was a brilliant self-educated man and was responsible for many inventions such as the lightning rod and iron furnace stove. But did you he invented swim fins and bifocals?

Learn more about our founders at

Whether you are traveling, enjoying fireworks, grilling, camping, swimming or whatever your activity this weekend remember what Sgt. Phil Esterhaus from "Hill Street Blues" told his fellow police officers, "Hey, be careful out there".

We want you back to enjoy America's next birthday. For that one I think I'll have a chat with Thomas Jefferson.

God Bless America and all her citizens. May she ever be the home of the free and the brave.

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