Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Ocala Star Banner online had a poll posted on their web site. It asked "What childhood game do you remember most?"

It mentioned several, among which were hide and seek, tag, climbing trees, collecting fire flies, etc.

I do remember playing hide and seek. In our neighborhood you played until the street lights came on and then you headed for home.

One game mentioned is probably my favorite and that was playing pretend dress-up.

I had a friend who had a large collection of high heeled shoes, hats and purses.
Every time I hear the name Imelda Marcos I think of her.

We never had fancy shoes growing up. Plain, serviceable oxfords were the norm.
Fancy meant penny loafers with real shiny pennies in them.

My friend and I spent hours playing with her hand-me-down collections. Learning to walk in them, picking a hat and purse to match. We were the ultimate young models on our own imaginary runway.

It didn't matter that we both were a bit on the chubby side, after all we were modeling, hats and shoes.

Those were the times of our lives. No cares, no worries, the biggest decision we had to make was what game were we going to play next.

Oh, it's dark outside, let's find a mason jar with a lid, and go outside and catch some fireflies.

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