Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Grape Hyacinths Among the Stones

Today hubby and I are celebrating our 47th wedding anniversary.

How about that, and they said it wouldn't last.

We met on a blind date arranged by his sister.

There have been hills and valleys throughout the years. The hilltops far out number the lowlands.

Two of the best hilltops are our two sons. They have brought us much joy over the years. They are grown up and out on their own. The family dinners for holidays and special occasions that we are together are priceless treasures.

Someone once told me opposites attract but should never marry. I disagree. My husband and I are opposites but complement each other.

When the Pastor said these words at the end of the ceremony, "What God hath joined together let no man put asunder", were words we took literally. God has been the head of our household.

Compromise is the glue that holds the fabric of our marriage together.

Love is the common denominator.

Hopefully we will be allowed to have many more happy years together.

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