Thursday, April 15, 2010

Springtime in My Backyard

There is a man running for Governor of Pennsylvania who has been leading the way for property tax abolishment. His name is SAM ROHRER.

He doesn't have big money behind him so you probably haven't heard much about him.

Anyone who owns property has been aware how much property taxes continue to escalate especially in Luzerne County since the re-assessment went into effect.

Sam needs to win the primary election in order to have a chance in November. It will take a grassroots word of mouth to let your family, friends, and neighbors know about him.

If you are a registered Independent you can't vote in the primary. I'm sure there are many Independents who are sick and tired of the rising taxes.

If you register as either a Republican or Democrat you can at least vote in the primary and then in November you can vote for anyone on either ticket or write one in.

If we are ever going to change the "do nothing for the American people" Congress into "do something for the people that hire us, the American people, not the lobbyists" Congress then you need to be registered and above all get out and VOTE . . . while you still have the right to.

Check out Sam's web page or find him on Facebook.

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