Thursday, April 1, 2010

We look forward to the joy of celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter.

We attend church services and are soothed by the aroma of beautiful white Easter lilies.
The congregation sings the beautiful Easter hymns with more gusto than usual.

The children are especially happy. They proudly show off their new Easter finery and gladly tell anyone who will listen what the Easter Bunny left for them.

After church, families will return home or visit a relative or a restaurant to share a dinner of favorites.

To all who are able to do this, enjoy and savor those precious moments.

There are many who are suffering this Easter or Passover holiday season.

People are displaced from their homes because of earthquakes, floods, or war.
Economic downturn has caused many more to lose their jobs and or homes.
Many others are hurting for other assorted reasons.

Take a minute this holiday and pray for all those in need.

We see much corruption in government from Washington to our local officials.
Drugs and alcohol use is rampant; people's lives and families destroyed.

Our country is in dire need of strong, moral, ethical, God-fearing leaders.

We must remember through these tough times that God is on His throne and is still in control.

In the Old Testament He gave us a promise.

II Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray,and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will
forgive their sin, and heal their land."

God was talking to Solomon in answer to his prayer.
If we take the same step as Solomon and pray He will hear it.

Every night at 9 PM many people around the country stop and pray for one minute. Please join us.

Pray for our country to return to a godly nation. A country that was founded on Judeo-Christian principles by godly men and women.

Pray that our leaders would once again follow the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the bedrock of our nation.

Pray that our troops would be protected and return safely.

And pray that God will keep our country safe from those who want to destroy it from the outside and from within.

God bless you and Happy Easter.

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