Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Did you ever say to yourself, "if only I had time to..."?
I have so many times I've lost count.

I came across a book I'd bought years ago called "10-20-30 minutes to Sew". It was written by Nancy Zieman, a well-know seamtress who had a sewing show on PBS and owns a successful sewing notions business.

The concept of the book is, if you find 10-20 or 30 minutes here and there, devote them to a sewing project and you'll be amazed at how much you can accomplish.

I've done that over the years with sewing, quilting, and reading. Lately I've found it useful for writing as well. Whether it is idea storming, writing notes, writing this blog, or actually getting into the bones of a story it's works.

So when you can't find time for you, or something you'd like to do, try doing it in increments of 10-20 or 30 minutes.

You'll feel more relaxed and good about you.

After all who's more important?

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