Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary describes the following:

Common sense: ordinary good sense and judgement.

Logic: sound reasoning.

Priority: taking precedence logically or in importance.

3 words that unfortunately aren't taught in a classroom.

They're usually acquired, either by example or advice from others, or if one is lucky from the school of hard knocks, with the first experience.

Look around and you'll notice these three things are sorely missing today.

For instance, the crisis in the Gulf of Mexico. Common sense would dictate logical sound reasoning, that the first priority is to stop the crisis by plugging the hole in the oil well.

Sound reasoning would be to listen, take the advice and suggestions of others as how to do it.
Then clean up the mess.

It seems today the lack of common sense and reasoning is to ignore a situation until the worst happens, then panic and chase your tail.

Remember the story of the Dutch boy who came upon a hole in the dike? What did he do? Did he run around and holler "the dike is leaking, the dike is leaking", no he simply put his finger in the hole and accepted help when it came.

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