Sunday, June 6, 2010


The picture above depicts many people enjoying a lazy day at a beautiful beach.

Why can they enjoy this beach without fear or apprehension?

Because 66 years ago today thousands landed on the beaches of Normandy, France in World War II.

Thousands lost their lives opening another front to beat back the Germans and eventually liberate France.

The war didn't end in Europe for another year. The war continued to rage in the Pacific for another year also.

Do you know a veteran that fought in WWII?

They were proud of their country and fought for it.

Sadly we are losing them everyday because of age.

I had three cousins that fought in the Pacific Theater in the Air Force and Navy. Thankfully they all survived but are now gone.

I remember people saying that they fought that war so their children wouldn't ever have to go to war again. Yet a generation later their sons and daughters were fighting in Viet Nam.

Now we are at war again on two fronts.

Many say the Iraq War should never have been fought, that will be debated for generations to come, but the Iraqi people were liberated from a despot. However, we fought in Europe in WWII and our nation wasn't attacked, but we liberated France, and most of Europe from a despot.

Our shores were attacked in the Pacific when Pear Harbor was bombed, thus the war with Japan. Just as our nation was attacked on 9/11/2001, thus the war in Afghanistan. Another country liberated from tyranny.

And so it goes.

Edmund Burke, a British Statesman and Philosopher, stated "Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it."

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